No. 4

An approaching shortage of OBGYNs threatens the demands of a growing population of reproductive-age women. This threat is exacer­bated by a shaky medical–legal structure that places a disproportionate burden on the OBGYN profession—a burden that patients are ultimately left to share. This Note explores the delicate interaction between medical malpractice litigation, the high-risk OBGYN profession, and patients’ access to healthcare. It then...

Pro-life pregnancy centers have been criticized for attracting clients through false or misleading marketing and, once clients are through the door, for presenting false or misleading—or at least incomplete—infor­mation. A common contemporary means of regulating pregnancy centers is through statutes that require pregnancy centers to give notice that their services are not comprehensive. In 2018, in National Institute of Family and Life Advocates...


Jasmine E. Harris *

The foundational faith of disability law is the proposition that we can reduce disability discrimination if we can foster interactions between disabled and nondisabled people. This central faith, which is rooted in contact theory, has encouraged integration of people with and without disabilities, with the expectation that contact will reduce preju­dicial atti­tudes and shift societal norms. However, neither the scholarship nor disa­bility law...